Sunday papers don’t ask no questions Sunday papers don’t get no lies Sunday papers don’t raise objections Sunday papers ain’t got no eyes – Joe Jackson — As a card-carrying member of the lamestream media, these week 7 NFL Picks, know exactly how the media rigs everything using facts. For instance, according to the lamestream…

Don’t you want me? You know I don’t believe you When you say you don’t need me – The Human League — In this locker room, when I brag about my week 6 NFL Picks, I am just trying to impress my new campaign manager, Bill Cosby. Bill Cosby and I were talking in the locker…

Mental wounds not healing Who and what’s to blame I’m goin’ off the rails on a crazy train – Ozzy Osbourne — These week 4 NFL picks went to a tremendous watch party at the Trump Dive Bar on Liar Street in the sketchy fun part of downtown Bullshitville, where I was served a huge…

I’m Mr. Bad Example, take a look at me I’ll live to be a hundred and go down in infamy – Warren Zevon — Cough! These Week 2 NFL Picks feel dizzy. Don’t tell the media or anyone. From now on, I will only communicate by email. Call me the email female. I’ve been called…

I shot the sheriff But I swear it was in self defense – Bob Marley == You are not getting week 1 NFL picks from Colin Kaepernick until the Cleveland Browns are treated better by the rest of the league. Look, I know you came here for NFL picks. I can hear the National Anthem…

He was taken to task by some critics who asked, Do you write the words or lyrics first? – Michael Stanley Band — These 2016 NFL Season Picks are paranoid and frightened of foreigners such as Pittsburgh Steelers fans. They dress funny and have weird beliefs. Maybe the Eighth Amendment people can do something about…