Inside the museums, infinity goes up on trial – Bob Dylan — The ancient Mayans and Nostradamus are Cleveland Browns fans who met on Facebook. They went to Applebee’s to predict Super Bowl XLV. They were tied in their fantasy league. The ancient Mayans used an iPhone prophecy app , common in their time, to…

I’ll tell you no and you’re gonna ask me why, why why When I remind you of all this and you’ll cry, cry, cry – Johnny Cash — I got a big gavel just in time to make Wildcard Weekend NFL Picks. Thanks Nancy. Now scram. I am crying because I am the new speaker…

It’s no secret is that a friend is someone who lets you help It’s no secret that a liar won’t believe anyone else – U2 — Julian Assange has leaked my week 13 NFL picks to the media. He stole them from my brain. All that I can do now is deny that I know…

Come together right now over me – The Beatles — These week 12 NFL Picks can’t dance, but they are related to a turkey. For those of you hating on these week 12 NFL picks and the turkey, now is your last chance to shoot your television before these NFL picks flip you the middle…

A moment of steel A dry-eyed house Did he say goodbye to you Or did you kick him out? – John Hiatt — These Week 10 NFL Picks thought the world liked us, but the Picks just made a mental note of everything the world has said. China just laughed at us, and South Korea…

I want you to want me I need you to need me I’d love you to love me – Cheap Trick — These week 9 NFL picks want to thank you for your vote, and remind you that we are going to fix everything just like we did the last time we ran things. We…